Adapting to the New Vibrational Space
History of Humankind
JAN 2, 2025, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue our conversation about the interaction of your physical bodies with the high-vibrational energies of this year.
Here everything will depend on the vibrations of the person – how much he resonates with the new energies or, on the contrary, enters into dissonance with them.
In my messages it has already been said more than once that people with low vibrations, although they do NOT feel the new energies, still experience a certain discomfort that they cannot explain on their own.
And this is due to the fact that they, without wanting it, find themselves in an environment that is alien to them.
It is like a person who is completely ignorant of music, accustomed to listening only to low-quality hits, suddenly finding himself at a concert with classical music, the vibrations of which make him feel uncomfortable and confused.
The same thing happens with those inhabitants of your planet whose vibrations differ too much from the vibrations of the Earth and from the new energies coming to it.
But this causes them not only psychological discomfort.
At the same time, their physical bodies also suffer, as they now perceive the energies of the space around them as alien ones – unfamiliar to them and therefore dangerous.
As you already know, the human physical body has its own consciousness, so it is able to regulate the flow of energy to all its organs in accordance with their needs.
The human body is so perfect that it can redistribute the energy within itself according to the needs.
But until now, this self-regulation was tuned exclusively to the energies of the third dimension, in which people lived for thousands of years.
When entering a different environment, all these parameters shift and the human body gradually adapts to the new conditions.
The most striking example of this is when astronauts are in the space, where the conditions of zero gravity change the life cycle and parameters of their organisms.
Something similar happens to the hikers when they find themselves in extremely rarefied airspace, and not all of them are able to withstand such loads.
Now imagine millions of inhabitants of your planet, remaining, it would seem, in their familiar living conditions, but in fact in a rarefied energy space.
And since they know nothing about the Transition and the energy changes, they will begin to look for the causes of their poor health in anything but the changed energy parameters of your planet.
Doctors will also not be able to find the cause of their illnesses, but out of habit they will “treat” them from non-existent diseases, which will only worsen their deplorable situation.
Unfortunately, this is exactly the situation that will gradually begin to develop on Earth, as a result of which many people who have not managed to raise their vibrations to the level of survival in the new conditions will begin to leave your planet through a physical death.
And you must be prepared for this, my dears.
That’s it for today.
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you
Received by Martha on December 30, 2024