Convenient Duties
History of Humankind
December 7, 2024, by Father Absolute
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Continuing our conversation about your financial dependence, I would like to dwell on one more of its characteristics.
Now in many countries of the world, the authorities not only completely control people in how they manage their finances, but also deprive them of the opportunity to pay with cash.
Thus, gradually, the modern financial “conveniences” have already turned into “convenient duties” for the people.
As a result, cash is now a rarity in many so-called “developed” countries, and in the conditions of urbanization it is no longer accepted anywhere.
Why did this situation come so far ahead and who benefits from it?
Behind all this is the deep state, which is now not just quickly, but at a very rapid pace, trying to achieve its goal: the complete enslavement of the people, and not only financially, but also physically.
This is the same digital slavery that has already been talked about so much and which the reasonable part of humanity is trying to oppose.
After all, if you deprive a person of the ability to manage his finances, then he will find himself completely dependent on those in whose hands his money is.
Thus, the banks controlled by financial corporations accountable to the deep state become the owners of his money.
And as soon as the final break in people’s connection with cash occurs, “the door of the cage will slam shut.”
And then, in order to survive physically, a person will have no other option but to obey the dictates of the authorities, who are also fully accountable to the deep state.
Everything is smoothly moving towards the implementation of the so-called “Sustainable Development Program”, developed by the main puppets of the secret world government.
As you can see, my dears, the name of this program is carefully thought out, and its essence, as it is customary for the Draco-reptilians, is hidden behind beautiful words.
The very phrase “sustainable development” inspires confidence in an inexperienced person, since in the subconscious of people the word “sustainable” is always associated with such concepts as stability and reliability, which every reasonable person strives for.
This is what the Draco-reptilians were counting on – people would realize too late what a trap they had fallen into.
In order to accelerate the implementation of their program, the puppets of the deep state must as quickly as possible bring people into complete financial dependence through the banks they control.
This is what is happening now all over the world.
And in order to avoid such a tragic scenario, it is necessary to conduct extensive educational work among the population so that as many people as possible oppose this plan of the Draco-reptilians.
With the constant raise of the vibrations on the Earth and the mass awakening of pure human souls, the deep state has a very little time left.
What was expected to be accomplished by 2030, they must do now urgently.
And their urgency is not their best ally in this regard.
As a result, even the most unsophisticated people are starting to think about the reasons for such unusual actions of their governments, which is the first step towards their awakening.
Therefore, not all is lost, my dear ones.
It is within your power to stop the monstrous plans of the Draco-reptilians and unite the entire world against their unjustified financial tyranny.
And I bless you for this!
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, had spoken to you
Received by Martha on December 2, 2024