Internal Status Control | History of Humankind

Internal Status Control

History of Humankind

JAN 3, 2025, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)


Hello, my dear beloved children!

Today I want to tell you how people with an average level of vibrations will react to the new energies.

These are people whose vibrations have not yet stabilized and, depending on the circumstances and their state of mind, “float” between the third and fourth dimensions.

In this case, the following processes take place in the energy space of such people.

During a spiritual upsurge, when a person experiences love, joy, happiness, or is simply in a calm and harmonious state and therefore resonates with the new vibrations of the Earth, his energy space absorbs the maximum amount of high-vibrational energies.

This way, a certain energy “reserve” is created, from which this person draws energy during his spiritual drop, if such a thing happens and his vibrations decrease.

At the same time, this “reserve” is a kind of “safety cushion” that, in emergency cases, protects this person from sudden vibrational changes.

But at the same time, it is important for a person himself to monitor his internal state and help these energies return to the correct level of vibrations, otherwise his energy reserve will quickly run out.

Without his Free Will, even the wisest energies will not be able to keep him for a long time on those vibrations that do not correspond to his personal qualities and the current level of his consciousness.

This interaction with energies, as well as the ability to track his own thoughts and emotions, is usually typical of people who know about the Earth’s transition to the Fifth Dimension and are working on themselves to make this Transition with it.

And if you, my dears, understand that you belong to this category of people, I advise you to strengthen control over your internal state and check the level of your vibrations as often as possible, using either a chakra-meter or your intuition.

It is much easier to return to your harmonious state in time than to miss this moment and then “gain altitude” again and again, raising your vibrations through meditations and practices to clear your energy space.

There is not much time left for this.

That is for today.

Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you

Received by Martha on December 31, 2024


Author: Survivalist