Relationships Between the Energies of Expectation and Trust | EoE | EoT

Relationships Between the Energies of Expectation and Trust

October 21, 2024, by Father Absolute

dve-realnosti-izbavlenie-ot-skvernyHello, my dear beloved children!

As a continuation of my previous message, today we will talk in more detail about how the Energy of Trust is related to the Energy of Expectation.

In fact, it (Trust?) manifests in you naturally and in a quality that meets your expectations.

So, if under the impression of what you read or hear, you fall into despair, expecting the worst, then the Energy of Trust instantly “goes negative”, acquiring the lowest vibrations.

If you are inspired by some good news and begin to believe that everything will be fine, then the Energy of Trust “flies to the heavens”, as a result of which its vibrations increase.

In general, dear ones, the level of your vibrations is largely dependent on the quality of which these two energies – Expectations and Trust – reside in your energy space.

After all, this is what your life is all about: predicting all kinds of events both in your personal life and in the life of your country or even for all of the humanity.

And then comes the factor of your Trust – to your loved ones and family, friends and colleagues, superiors and government, etc. etc.

As a result, if you do not trust the government of your country, then you do not expect any positive changes in your life.

If you do not trust your superiors, then you live in constant tension and every minute you expect a trick from them.

As a result, your vibrations drop because the Energies of Expectation and Trust are at their lowest.

So what should you do my dears if everything around you is really bad and you want to keep your vibrations high?

And here is what I suggest to you.

Always try to find something good even in the worst, because absolute evil simply does not exist: it always has a flip side – it is reasonable that the three-dimensional world is called a dual world.

You can always find positive qualities in any person if you look closely at them.

And as soon as you find these qualities, focus on them and start communicating with this person, relying on these character traits, and not on those that you do not like.

Believe me, my dear, on a subconscious level, this person is definitely reading your emotional message about his best qualities, which maybe he just hides from others for some reason.

And the fact that you were able to recognize them in him and discover them for yourself will be a pleasant surprise for him.

It’s about relationships with people.

But in fact, this technique can also be applied in the relations with the state.

Sincerely thank your governments for the good things they do for you, which could be found in any country.

And then your Gratitude Energy, one of the highest vibrations, will spread further – to other types of their activities that you still do not like.

And the more people do that, the sooner government officials will start reaching out to the people.

As a result of not living in constant expectation of the worst and believing that the government is capable of good deeds, you will find peace of mind and your vibrations will stabilize.

This way, you will be starting positive energy processes that will gradually turn into good deeds on the physical plane.

We’ll stop here today.

Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, speaks to you

Received by Marta on October 19, 2024


Author: Survivalist