David Icke: I would be much better off with another president, and I’m not talking about Trump right now. I am talking about a president who absolutely represents the interests of people in all spheres of society.
This probably won’t work with Biden. This will probably be one of the most extreme regimes in American history. You can tell this by looking at where we are now.
The question is how did this happen? How did it come about that the Biden administration had the unique opportunity to impose fascism on America and attack those who wanted to get rid of it?
One area that really needs to be talked about is the organization called QAnon. QAnon is a type of secret group, more anonymous, that emerged in the early days of the Trump administration.
She attracted many “rebels” (Icke called her “opponents”) who claimed to have a plan. The “bad guys” need to be arrested, and the “good guys” in government circles will take care of that.
You will be able to get rid of the deep state. There will be mass arrests and other measures. And when I heard that, I could only shake my head and say, “Oh, God, just no other!”
Such supporters have existed for a long time. They come and go. They can come back. Then they may have a different appearance or different names. The reason I also reacted to the QAnon phenomenon is that over the last thirty years, I’ve found that this kind of nonsense comes and goes under different names.
He always follows the same pattern. “There is a plan. You have nothing to worry about because there is a plan. Relax and watch the plan unfold! Trust the plan! ”
I would like to recall a passage I wrote in a book called The Perception Trap in 2012, a note that essentially describes QAnon even before it existed. This is just one example of a recurring theme that I have seen over and over again in the last few years.
This is a psychological war. Not all participants or proxies belong to the psy-operation, many consider it real and pass it on because they think it is real. But it is a kind of mastery of the thinking and behavior of the “rebels” who are convinced that they do not need to do anything. But we have to! If we could recognize QAnon as soon as we read about it, it would sound like this:
Quote: “Title: Come and save me.” A friend sent me an email asking what I thought of its contents. I already knew all this.
It said that the “good boys” – yes, that phrase was actually used at the time – “the good boys” from the US military and the intelligence community would make mass arrests of the “bad guys”. And I write here: “Hitler said, make your misinformation really simple so that everyone can understand it.” “Good boys are bad,” that’s good.
Meanwhile, another alternative media man, Benjamin Fulford, appears in faraway Japan and says something similar about secret societies in the Far East. They will catch the “bad guys”, he said in an interview with Wilcock.
The story ends with the naivety of misinformation spread in the alternative scene to distract and mislead: this is often done by people who want to believe it to be true, even if the original source knows it is not.
I am often asked what you would say about the impending mass arrests of the Illuminati. Or it was reported to me as a fact by those who distributed Wilcock and Fulford advertisements.
This continued, although the deadline exceeded the deadline when the Illuminati fighters had to face themselves or something like that. Do you notice anything? What about the current situation? Fulford claims that his “good boys” are members of the White Dragon Society. They intended to arrest those behind the world conspiracy and to intervene right during the transition to peace and prosperity.
Once, I wrote, they could be arrested, but not yet. A September 2011 report claimed that Benjamin Fulford was aware of a meeting of 57 representatives from 57 countries (just like a week ago) that would really hurt members of the Devil’s Clique.
Always make your propaganda easier! People have to believe. Yes, it seems that the countries of the world are going around the corner and marching with the Knights of the Jedi (White Dragon Society), the “good boys”. People are tired of the devil’s empire and seem to want to get rid of it.
What is the White Dragon Society, according to Fulford in 2011? “We are an international group of financial people, military, secret service employees and secret organizations, as well as journalists and ordinary citizens who are tired of the behavior of the military-industrial complex.”
I mean, I’ve heard that before. More often. And they’re making a list of people in 2011 who should have been arrested by the “good boys.” Among them are Henry Kissinger, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, David Rockefeller, John Rockefeller, Dick Cheney, Warren Buffett, George Soros (see QAnon), Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, members of the JP Morgan family, the Vanderbuild family, the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the British royal family, the Queen and the Queen – Bernhard Bernanke, US Treasurer Timothy Geithner, Lord Blankfein of Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, former Bank of America CEO Kenneth Lewis and Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit. And very exclusive: Prince Harry, who was to take over from Queen Elizabeth !?
Here we are dealing with extreme naivety and classic psychological deception, which for obvious reasons takes place in humans. When you hear what you want to hear, believe because you want to hear it. And who would not want to hear that the people who crucify the human family are arrested and imprisoned to remove them. But we have to be direct. And ask questions more often when they tell us what we want to hear. Because this is an open door that we run into.
And it’s much harder not only to convey that, but also to accept as fact what we don’t want to hear. Obviously you don’t want to be honest, it provokes resistance. The degree of naivety that we encounter in the described situation is already evident from the code name “Drake”. Obviously, he has to keep his identity a secret.
He cannot be found. But then he gave a two-hour interview for the radio station. With all surveillance technologies. And they can’t be tracked for two hours. And Drake sets dates exactly the day the good boys lock the bad guys. Then I said that this would not happen, because it had never happened before. This is a popular topic that constantly appears under different names.
People are arranged in the order in which they invest their energy. That is, QAnon with his “Trust the plan” and “There will be a storm” and “You do nothing, nothing”, everything is resolved. “Stay where you are!” None of what QAnon announced happened.
There was a very interesting article about davidicke.com from informationliberation.com. They did notice it in the title: QAnon is strikingly similar to the Bolshevik psychological operation of the 1920s, known as Operation Trust.
Quote: “Operation Trust” is a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation that took place from 1921 to 1926 and aims to neutralize the opposition, giving the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders has organized to prevent the Communists from coming to power. The similarities with QAnon’s Psychological Operation Trust Plan are striking. ”End of quote. (Q Anon is probably an FBI psychopath)
And again, this is repeated over and over again. For the same reason, with the same result. Neutralize your opponents and bring them to the abyss.
Quote: “Operation Trust was a counterintelligence operation by the State Political Administration (GPU) of the Soviet Union. An operation launched by the GPU’s predecessor, Cheka, lasted from 1921 to 1926, resulting in the creation of a fake anti-Bolshevik resistance organization, the Union of Monarchists of Central Russia, MUCR, to help the OGPU identify the real monarchists and anti-Bolsheviks. ”End of quote.
Lure and more.
Quote: The fake company was called the Moscow Municipal Credit Association. The only Western historian with limited access to the Trust’s files, John Costello, said it was thirty-seven volumes and a tangled confusion of double agents, changed code names and blocking fraud operations with “symphonic score complexity”, which the Russians scouts struggle to separate facts from fiction.
This is similar to the Confucian-style nonsense that QAnon spreads.
QAnon managed to trick Trump supporters, justifiably angry at the criminal nature of our ruling class, into fantasizing that the military’s “white hats” would save us. “End of quote. White hats were mentioned in such theories long before, long before 2011.
Quote: “… that white hats in the army would save us while Attorney General William Barr was busy covering up the case of Jeffrey Epstein and the Kushner administration (which, frankly, was actually the Trump administration),” the Kushner-Netanyahu government pardoned the fraudsters who made donations to the Aleph Institute and released Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard from parole to make an “aliyah” in Israel, that is, to allow him to return to Israel.
Just as the opposition was exposed and arrested through Operation Trust, dozens of Anonians could be discovered and arrested as a result of the march on the Capitol.
Many of the neoconservatives in our government are literal descendants of the Trotskyists, so it is possible that they will do the same trick twice.
And QAnon has announced a change of regime in Iran for a period of time that Israel is striving for. And Edward Snowden, who published information on the extent of the illegal surveillance of the American population, according to him, should be extradited for damage to the NSA, which is probably located right in the center of the Deep State.
So QAnon and his predecessors were and still are crazy. And we need to see how things are going and stop chasing them every time. Such organizations say things that those who want to fall take seriously and attract people. I call it “gin and tonic with lemon slice.”
Misinformation is never completely false. Too many people will see right through it. There is a lot of truth and then a twist that leads us to a dead end. First, they tell us what attracts us. And then they betray us. So let’s hope this is the last time we are lied to.
The interviewer tells Icke: I had to laugh very, very funny. After learning about my experience, we interviewed her. She said what you would say about Leicestershire and talked about the event. We wanted to visit her because she is only 30 minutes away. She said well. I contact the organizers, they will come.
This man emailed me that my brother and I would raid and sabotage the event. But there are people who defend QAnon to the end.
Icke: The question is, what do the cults of the Armagedon do? You give them a date for the end of the world, and when it’s over, you give them a new one. And this is how Psycho-operations work. Like I said, most of the people who were happy with QAnon obviously didn’t want to participate in the psycho operation, they wanted to believe and be honest.
So the abuses… I have a 30-year record of obvious abuses that do not allow / what comes back /, which should prevent me from saying what I believe to be true. And from my point of view, this situation is also a psychopath. And I’ve done it, and I’ve done it all these years, because I want the truth to come out.
So this psychopathic evil no longer controls human society. That is my goal and I have agreed with it for a long time. And I’m not interested in fucking statues.
What I am saying here is what I have observed over and over again over time, and if people disagree, so be it. There are conflicting opinions.
I also think that Trump needs to get a new perspective and that you need to look beyond rhetoric and that he says what you want to hear. What has happened in the last four years?
So, if you really care about freedom, freedom of speech, you will go to the White House and stand up for Google, Facebook and Twitter for the censorship of freedom of speech. Instead, a lawsuit was filed against Google, weeks before the end of Trump’s presidency.
What’s the point? Do you want to drain the swamp? The swamp had never been as deep as when Biden entered. Who is just the front-man of the darkest Drakes. So don’t show me your speeches, show me your deeds! Some may believe in freedom of speech. Why, at the end of his presidency, was there an explosion of pardons for the forgiveness of cruel financial criminals, an Israeli spy, a mega fraudster who stole the Medicare system?
And why, if you believe in freedom of speech and want to expose the Deep State, do you not forgive Julian Assange and Edward Snowden? Think about it, boys!
When Trump came to power in 2016, the question arose as to whether to use him to divide America. And they are. Second question: how exactly did he find out that it was used? But it obviously happened. After four years of Trump’s rule, the complete demonization was revealed not only to Trump’s supporters, but also to all those who want to fight fascism. Or communism – call it what you will, it’s the same thing.
So we see something again – how many more times, boys? This is the complex of salvation, as they have acted throughout our known history of mankind. “Look for someone to save you!” “Save me, QAnon!” What’s the point? You give up your power! I’m handing power over to the state, Donald Trump. Or QAnon! So we fell into chaos! We can get out of this if we stop looking for a Savior. To pass it on to someone else, “Trust the plan!” I’m fighting a damn mirror! There you can see who the real savior is! If you have to call him a savior. This is us!
So, 75 million people voted for Trump. Yes. What can 75 million people do instead of following QAnon or looking at Trump as a goddamn god? 75 million people say that from now on we will no longer work with our slaveholders.
No, we don’t wear masks. No, we do not follow fascism, justified by a false pandemic. We do not cooperate with slave owners and our children. Under no circumstances, under no circumstances, without compromise. We don’t do that. House arrest, isolation? We will not participate. We say this is a scam.
How easy would it be to do that with 75 million people? Especially if they are active in the main service. How will this change events? Much more ambitious than after the mass protests in Washington DC or after the next savior!
It is almost like programming the mind, an executive program deeply rooted in the human psyche. And when you know what to do, you pull the trigger.
And people give their strength to the one who they think will save them. We got into this mess because we made it. Mankind is handing over power to kings and queens, military leaders, politicians and bureaucrats. Here’s how we got here.
Passing it on to Trump and QAnon. It’s just a variation of it. And if we look at the result, after four years with Trump, the savior, the “rebels” were no less subject to terrible fascism.