The Influence of High-Vibrational Energies on the Reptilians
History of Humankind
JAN 27, 2025, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Continuing my previous message, let us now consider how the new high-vibrational energies affect the Reptilians, which, unlike the Draco-reptilians, are numerous on Earth.
These beings have already firmly “rooted” into human bodies, occupying them completely or partially, which I spoke about in detail in my series of messages about the Reptilians.
Therefore, with them things are a little more complicated than with their owners – the Draco-reptilians.
Having reincarnated again and again on Earth, these beings have long since acquired the characteristic features and characteristics of the pure human souls.
Many of them are quite honorable and respected citizens who are trying to be useful to others.
But the most important thing is that they themselves do not even suspect that they are not people as such.
You already know what distinguishes them from people, so now we will focus only on how the new energies affect them.
You probably remember that purebred Reptilians have a different subtle-material structure: they lack the upper chakras which are inherent in humans, and even the fourth chakra is only in its infancy, and not in all of them.
And already because of this peculiarity of theirs, the consciousness of Reptilians and their physical bodies are not capable of perceiving energies with high vibrations.
I told you before that these energies pass through these beings without affecting them in any way.
But that was at a time when your entire planet was in the three-dimensional space.
Now the situation has changed.
Since the subtle bodies of the Earth have for the most part already moved into the space of the Fifth Dimension, the high-vibrational energies reaching its surface have a completely different effect on its inhabitants.
Now these energies are much more concentrated, so their effect on beings with low vibrations has changed significantly.
They do not pass through the physical bodies of the Reptilians, as if washing them, as it was before, but interact with their own energies.
They are beginning to dilute these dense (3D) energies, which is very dangerous for the Reptilians, because in the absence of chakras and subtle bodies capable of perceiving energies with such high vibrations, they literally become physically and mentally ill.
Physically, because their bodies are not ready for these energies, and mentally, because their consciousness is also not ready for them.
And you can see this for yourself if there are pure-blooded Reptilians in your environment.
Many of them currently feel completely disoriented: their body is weakening, and their consciousness is not able to “digest” the rapidly changing reality.
This is especially true for those of them who were also “vaccinated” during the recent “pandemic”, which further weakened their bodies.
Therefore, the higher the vibrations of the Earth become, the sooner the pure-blooded Reptilians, deprived of their usual habitat, will begin to leave the physical plane.
That’s it for today.
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you
Received by Martha on January 21, 2025