Useful Links for the Alt News

Useful Links for the Alt News


To get the real news about what’s happening you could subscribe/visit the following blogs:

The oldest alt news website (Jeff Rense) –

The Space Weather – Suspicious0bservers

The M o d e r n i t y British Channel – M o d e r n i t y

[Douglas Macgregor]

[End Times Productions]

[Fall of the Cabal] Janet Ossebaard

[The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal] Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

[] –> full articles could be found here: [Prepare for Change]

[Next News Network]

[Rebel News] Canada

[Stew Peters]





[Jim Stone]


USA [Full Spectrum Survival]

Canada [Canadian Prepper]

[Alaska Prepper]



[BitChute] No censorship British platform

[Silviu Media]

Silviu Media on bitchute

SubStack blogs for subscriptions:



The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Part 1], [Part 2], [Part 3], [Part 4]

(Khazarian Mafia = Deep State = Cabal = Globalists)


Author: Survivalist