Getting Rid of the Second Low-Vibrational Soul
History of Humankind
JAN 28, 2025, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Continuing my previous message, today I want to tell you how the new high-vibrational energies affect those in whose bodies two souls coexist: a human and a soul of a Reptilian or other low-vibrational being.
As you already know, these are far from isolated cases, but a fairly common phenomenon on your planet.
And such an experience of incarnation is often chosen by very ancient souls who have already incarnated on Earth many times and have gained such a rich experience of life in the three-dimensional world that they decided on such an experiment: coexistence in the physical body with another soul, usually with a low vibration.
And now we will talk about what kind of energy processes occur in the bodies of such people upon contact with energies of high vibration.
Here much depends on whose soul will turn out to be the stronger one.
This is influenced by many factors: the conditions in which this person lives, what upbringing and education he received, how open he is to spiritual knowledge and whether he applies it in practice.
It is also necessary to take into account the fact that in such complex and unusual conditions of incarnation, the soul of a low-vibrational being is forced to constantly fight for its survival.
And since its habitat is the energy space of low vibrations, it does everything possible to secure it.
As a result, such a person experiences a constant struggle between Good and Evil, which manifests itself in his contradictory thoughts, emotions and actions.
Many people cannot withstand such constant stress, which they themselves cannot explain, which often ends in mental disorders and even serious illnesses.
But if a person consciously makes efforts to ensure that the bright side of his Soul wins, then he has the opportunity to get rid of the neighbor who is destructive for him.
And now new energies are coming to the aid of these people, which help to raise their vibrations.
With such a double “blow” – from the human Soul, which is making every effort to raise its vibrations, and high-vibrational energies from outside – the soul of the low-vibrational being is no longer able to fight for its survival and often leaves the physical body of the awakened person.
And if any of you, my dears, feel such a “tenant” in yourself, then now you have the unique opportunity to consciously and forever get rid of him.
But it is very important not to show any aggression towards him, since your human Soul itself has chosen such an experience of life in the three-dimensional world.
So thank your “neighbor” with all your heart for the difficult life lessons that he helped you learn, and let him go in peace.
In order for this detachment to occur as quickly as possible, ask the new energies of high vibration, including the energy of the Great Central Sun, to completely cleanse your energy space of everything foreign and negative that exists in your subtle bodies and in your physical body.
Express your clear intention that only your native Divine energies and only one human Soul remain in them.
And carefully monitor your inner state.
If you feel calm and peaceful, if your mood changes and negative thoughts and emotions disappear, then everything is in order and you can confidently continue on the path of Ascension.
And I bless you for this!
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you
Received by Martha on January 22, 2025