Memory of the Earth’s Golden Age | History of Humankind

Memory of the Earth’s Golden Age

History of Humankind

FEB 3, 2025, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)


Hello, my dear beloved children!

Continuing my previous message, now I want to tell you in more detail why it is the descendants of the Russians who are able to interact most closely with the new high-vibrational energies.

First of all, this is facilitated by their genetic memory.

Despite the fact that these ancient souls have repeatedly incarnated on your planet in a variety of eras, in different social strata, in male and female bodies, they have carried through all their incarnations the memory of the Golden Age of the Earth, when it and its inhabitants lived in Love and in complete harmony with each other.

And now these souls perceive the energies now coming to the Earth as something familiar, although long forgotten.

Their awakening is happening much faster than that of other inhabitants of your planet.

I think that many of you perceive the messages of this site rather not with your mind, but with your Soul.

And it seems to you that you have known all this for a long time, and now you remember only what has long been forgotten and stored in your deep memory.

If you have such feelings, then you are undoubtedly descendants of the Russians – those who have already lived in a higher dimension and are now returning to their origins at Home.

Those who perceive such messages as something alien, hostile and completely incomprehensible to them are most likely either deeply material young souls who have just begun to incarnate on the Earth, or beings with low vibrations embodied in human bodies.

Therefore, my dears, the messages of this site immediately fall into the soul of some people and it seems to them that they have plunged into their native energies, while in others who are not yet ready to receive such unusual knowledge, they cause deep rejection and even aggression.

The same happens with the perception of events currently taking place on the Earth.

Some intuitively feel the lies and hypocrisy of the ruling elite and the official media controlled by it, while others take everything for granted, without even trying to compare the facts and form their own opinion.

Therefore, the former begin to look for alternative information, trying to get to the bottom of the truth, while the latter are hostile and distrustful of everything that goes beyond their understanding.

As a result, in recent years, the population of your planet has been divided into the so-called “conspiracy theorists” and obedient, gillible ordinary people.

And although the former are much smaller than the latter, their energy and mental potential is so great that it covers with excess the low-vibrational energy of the gray mass of the rest of the inhabitants of the Earth.

That’s it for today.

Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you

Received by Martha on January 29, 2025


Author: Survivalist