Death as a Divine Expediency
History of Humankind
JAN 30, 2025, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue our conversation about how the new high-vibrational energies affect the low-vibrational beings embodied in human bodies.
Since there are the most of them on Earth, their departure from the physical plane will occur gradually, so as not to cause unnecessary panic and fear among the population.
Everyone will leave in different ways: some from chronic illnesses and seasonal diseases, and others as a result of natural disasters or accidents.
And now it is very important for every awakened soul to treat this with understanding.
I know that for many of you the most difficult thing is to restructure your consciousness so that you accept physical death wisely and with the understanding that even it usually happens in accordance with Divine expediency.
After all, it is often better for a person to leave the physical plane in order to save his soul than to destroy it in one way or another.
This is exactly what is happening quite often now.
This is especially true for those pure human souls who, for one reason or another, have been subjected to the so-called “vaccination”, which ultimately destroys not only the physical body of a person, but also “encroaches” on his Soul.
As you already know, this “vaccine” contains, among other things, nanoparticles, with the help of which representatives of the deep state have the ability to control human consciousness.
And this is already a direct interference in the Divine Plan of the Soul.
And in order to prevent such blasphemy, the Soul of a person sometimes itself decides to leave the physical plane as early as possible and asks the Forces of Light to help it in this.
Therefore, dear ones, you must be prepared for the fact that along with the low-vibrational inhabitants of your planet, pure human souls can also leave quite quickly, which is already happening.
At the moment, the state of every person, especially an awakened person, is closely monitored by all his Heavenly helpers, starting from the Guardian Angels and ending with his Spiritual Guides and even the Mother Soul.
The current incarnation is very important and significant for all those who dared to come to the Earth at such a crucial period for it.
And since among these people there are quite a few ancient and bright souls who came to the Earth from very high dimensions, then, in order not to lose all their achievements in many reincarnations, they are especially strongly protected.
And if it becomes clear to the Higher Forces that they did not withstand the tests for which they were sent to the Earth and could not fulfill the mission for which they were incarnated, a decision is made to return them home – to the level from which they came.
And in this case, one can only rejoice for them, because despite all the mistakes they made on Earth, their Souls were not allowed to fall completely, which would significantly lower their already existing “heavenly status”.
Everything has its causes and consequences, and what seems like a tragedy and irreparable loss to an ordinary person in the three-dimensional world is often a great blessing and salvation for the Soul that prematurely leaves the earthly plane.
This is the Divine expediency in relation to individual human souls now incarnated on your planet.
And I want you, dear ones, to learn not so much to understand as to feel this expediency.
This will protect you from strong emotional upheavals and bitter experiences that people often experience when they lose their family, loved ones and friends.
This is for today.
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you
Received by Martha on January 26, 2025