The Influence of High-Vibrational Energies on the Draco-reptilians
History of Humankind
JAN 26, 2025, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today [we are continuing our conversation] about the influence of the new high-vibrational energies on the inhabitants of the Earth.
As you already know, your planet is unique because it is home to a huge number of different beings at the same time.
This distinguishes it from other planets and civilizations, which are mostly homogeneous.
As for the Earth, even in its parallel worlds there is a huge variety of living beings.
A vivid example of this is Agartha, located in the interior of the Earth, where representatives of many civilizations that once lived on your planet live now.
But today we will talk about the influence of the new energies on low-vibrational beings living on the surface of the Earth.
We will start with the Draco-reptilians, who, as you already know, live on the subtle and partly on the physical plane.
These beings are unique in that some of them have learned to reincarnate in human bodies.
This ability was given to them because for a long time your planet was enclosed in a complex energy structure, which you are accustomed to calling the three-dimensional matrix.
It is the matrix which blocks the access to the Earth of the Divine high-vibrational energies, necessary for the spiritual growth of pure human souls, but at the same time it is dangerous for the Draco-reptilians, whose native habitat is the energies of low vibrations.
And only now – in recent decades, when the combined efforts of the Forces of Light of the subtle and physical planes managed to partially destroy this powerful energy structure that holds human souls captive to duality, the high-vibrational Divine energies poured out in a powerful stream onto your beautiful planet.
And the first to suffer from this are the Draco-reptilians, for whom these energies are like death.
Those of them who were embodied in physical bodies had difficulty maintaining their human appearance in the rays of these pure and bright energies, and some people with a subtle perception of reality began to see even with their physical sight the true appearance of these beings.
For this reason, many of them have already disembodied, and those you see in the information field are their clones, called to complete the plans of their powerful masters who live on the subtle plane of the Earth.
That’s it for today.
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you
Received by Martha on January 21, 2025