The Influence of High Vibrational Energies on Different Countries | History of Humankind

The Influence of High Vibrational Energies on Different Countries

History of Humankind

JAN 31, 2025, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)


Hello, my dear beloved children!

Now we will talk about how new high-vibrational energies affect not certain groups of inhabitants of your planet, but entire countries.

And in this case, there is an interaction of such energies with the collective consciousness of a given country, or rather, with its egregor (a non-physical entity that is believed to arise from the collective thoughts, feelings and intentions of a group of people).

This is explained by the fact that each type of beings embodied in human bodies interact with their collective consciousness, regardless of which country these beings live in.

But each country with its individual characteristics – culture, traditions, religion, political system – is a unifying principle for all its inhabitants, regardless of their “origin”.

And yet, the egregor of each country also includes the characteristics of the collective consciousness of those living in it.

And the level of vibrations of the egregor of a given country largely depends on the percentage of its inhabitants, namely, how many pure human souls, reptilians, clones, biorobots and other low-vibration beings embodied in human bodies live in it.

For example, the more pure human souls live in a country, the greater the percentage of the collective consciousness of the people in its egregor.

And if, for example, reptilians predominate among the inhabitants of a country, then, accordingly, their collective consciousness fills the most of its egregor.

As for the biorobots and clones that live according to the programs laid down in them, they are reflected in these egregors in the form of certain templates embedded in the consciousness of these beings.

But since these patterns exist in close proximity to the collective consciousnesses of other beings, they unconsciously influence them as well.

The consumer society of the Earth is built on this principle: the minority follows the majority, especially since these programs and templates are actively advertised in the media, which further increases the dependence of even pure human souls on the values ​​​​artificially imposed on them.

On the other hand, if in some country spiritual values ​​​​prevail and are strongly promoted, then even reptilians, biorobots and clones begin to join them, since initially they have a program to follow the majority in their thoughts and actions.

This principle of correlation and mutual influence of different collective consciousnesses extends to the collective consciousness of all humanity.

But now we will focus on the processes of interaction of individual countries with the new high-vibrational energies.

And to better understand how this works, let’s take a specific country: for example, Sweden.

I chose it on purpose because in this country the ratio of representatives of different collective consciousnesses is distributed quite evenly, which means that initially none of them was leading: energetically, mentally and emotionally.

In other words, this country is energetically neutral.

But what has such “neutrality” led to?

To submission and indifference.

The inhabitants of this country take many things for granted, because they are used to trusting their government, which decides everything for them.

Indeed, for quite a long time Sweden was one of the most developed, peaceful and prosperous countries.

This reduced the vigilance of its inhabitants, as a result of which they found themselves at the mercy of representatives of the deep state, who are actively pushing their agenda on the country.

And now Sweden is not only flooded with migrants who have turned this once prosperous country into one of the most dangerous and criminal, but it is also one of the most advanced countries in the field of digitalization, which leads to the complete enslavement of its population.

Therefore, dear ones, the neutral energies of a country cannot always serve the benefit of its population.

That’s it for today.

Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you

Received by Martha on January 27, 2025


Author: Survivalist