The Influence of High-Vibrational Energies on Biorobots and Clones
History of Humankind
JAN 29, 2025, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Continuing with my previous message, today I want to talk to you about how the new high-vibrational energies will affect biorobots and clones.
Since these beings do not have a soul as such, their reaction to these energies will be quite peculiar.
Although outwardly these beings are similar to humans, their energy is “dead” because they lack the intangible sensory organs inherent in humans, namely the chakras and subtle bodies that interact with other energies.
In general, biorobots and clones are nothing more than biomaterial programmed for certain thoughts, emotions and actions.
And although they were created with the help of very advanced technologies brought to Earth by the extraterrestrial civilizations of the Grays, they still cannot stand on the same level as people with Divine souls.
This “biomass” is conceived with one single goal: to divert people from the path of spiritual development, plunging them deeply into the material world.
For centuries, biorobots and clones have set the tone in everything related to consumer society.
They have become exemplary executors of all visible and invisible orders from above.
They have taken this into themselves and set an example for others in following the stereotypes of thinking and behavior created by their puppeteers.
In other words, it is these beings who have filled the Earth that have long since turned into an obedient mass of ordinary people, which is so easy to control.
For centuries, they have been an integral part of the three-dimensional matrix – of these “wheels” that are “turning” it.
And now the biorobots and clones, who felt great in the three-dimensional world, have found themselves outside their usual habitat.
In the new vibrations of the Earth, they, like clockwork dolls whose charge is running out, will gradually cease to exist.
And the higher the vibrations of the Earth become, the sooner they will be finally “dissolved”.
They will suffer the same fate as low-vibrational beings embodied in human bodies.
But if the beings who still have a soul could, with desire and some effort, at least slightly increase their vibrations in order to stay on the surface in the current conditions, then biorobots and clones are completely deprived of this opportunity.
Therefore, they will all gradually leave your planet through their physical death.
That’s it for today.
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you
Received by Martha on January 23, 2025