Path to Spirituality | History of Humankind

Path to Spirituality

History of Humankind

FEB 5, 2025, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)


Hello, my dear beloved children!

Today I want to talk to you about how you can help young human souls overcome the barrier that separates the material world from the spiritual one.

But first I want to remind you of what spirituality itself is.

This is the perception of everything that happens in your life and the people around you, not with the mind, but with the Heart and Soul.

It is these subtle Divine senses that will never deceive a person, unlike his Mind, whose sophistication knows no bounds.

And surely many of you have already experienced this more than once.

As a rule, promptings from the Soul come at the first moment when you have just touched some information or cast your first glance at a person you do not know.

If you managed to catch this signal – very short, like a “flash” of consciousness, then the fate will protect you from troubles or disappointments, or perhaps, on the contrary, will justify your trust and confirm that you are right.

If you miss this opportunity, then over time you will inevitably see everything and everyone in their true light, as you gain the necessary experience.

This is how intuition works – the voice of your Soul, which alone can protect you from unnecessary pain and anxiety, sorrows and troubles.

In fact, intuition is inherent in almost every living being, even those with low vibrations, since this is one of the ways to survive in the three-dimensional world.

Only biorobots and clones do not have this natural gift, since they are of artificial origin.

Therefore, the first step towards overcoming the barrier that separates the material world from the spiritual should be a person’s desire to use his intuition as a “tool” for understanding the world.

If you want, you can develop your intuition.

But to do this, you need to get rid of stereotypes of thinking and behavior, and instead of going with the flow, start approaching everything consciously.

Many people equate awareness with living with your mind.

In fact, there is a huge difference between them.

Awareness is the desire to understand the truth with your Soul, and not with the mind.

Or, in other words, it is the ability to use your subtle senses to understand reality.

And living with the mind is a search for truth through logical reasoning and comparison of different opinions.

And this is already a purely material approach to life, which is based on the thoughts and conclusions characteristic of the inhabitants of the three-dimensional world.

And in my next message I will tell you what a person needs to do to rebuild his perception of the world from the material to the spiritual.

Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you

Received by Martha on January 30, 2025

Author: Survivalist