Fixing the Vibrations of the Average Chakra
History of Humankind
JAN 14, 2025, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Continuing with my previous message, let’s now talk about how you can help the new energies interact with your consciousness better and more effectively.
So, having determined the average level of your vibrations, you can begin to work on yourself further.
This work will consist of three stages.
The first stage is fixing the vibrations of your average chakra.
For example, if, tracking your vibrations for a week and under different circumstances, you have found that they move in the range from the fourth to the sixth chakra, but most often “hang” on the fifth, you need to make sure that your vibrations do not fall below the fifth chakra anymore.
Let everyone decide for themselves how to do this, using their established and familiar practices.
But at their core there must be a clearly formulated intention for the final exit of your consciousness from the matrix of the three-dimensional world with all its stereotypical thoughts and emotions.
I know, my dears, that the most difficult thing for you is to overcome your spontaneous, unconscious automatic reactions to various situations, people’s statements and the behavior of others.
And if you learn quickly, literally on the fly, to change these reactions to conscious ones, then this will already maintain your vibrations at a fairly high level – at least not lower than the fifth chakra, which is the border between the third and fourth dimensions.
So far, few of you have managed to vibrate constantly at the sixth chakra and above, which is possible only for a person living in ideal conditions that are difficult to achieve in the modern world.
Therefore, you will most likely define the fifth chakra as average-vibrational.
And now your task is to maintain this level of vibrations even in the most unfavorable and sometimes critical situations for you.
To do this, you need to learn to quickly react to changes in your mood and extinguish the emotional wave that engulfs you, so as not to give it time to lower your vibrations.
The visualization of the same “air balloon” is very suitable for this purpose.
Imagining that your consciousness is inside it, you mentally “pump” it with new high-vibrational energies and observe how the magical energy that fills it helps it to move a little higher than the place on the “vibrational scale” where it was a moment ago.
The “pumping” itself consists in an instant reprogramming of negative and already habitual thoughts and emotions towards others, implying absolute trust in the Forces of Light and acceptance of the situation as corresponding to Divine expediency.
I think that you have already seen more than once that sometimes the most unpleasant and even tragic events in the long run lead both individual people and entire countries to a new, more favorable path of development for them.
And if you learn to react to everything that happens around you in this way, then you will easily raise your consciousness to the level of the sixth chakra, and perhaps even higher.
That’s it for today.
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you
Received by Martha on January 10, 2025