Biden and Fortune 500 Families Fall Into Trap

The ongoing U.S. presidential election coup is turning out to be a giant trap for the families that own the Fortune…

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Washington DC Given Reprieve Following Zionist Surrender Proposal

First of all, we would like to note the 2020 Halloween full blue moon really did look like a pumpkin.  A…

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Final Battle Update Part 2

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Tensions Rise as World Wakes Up to U.S. Election Theater

Geopolitical tensions are reaching a boiling point as military leaders wake up to the U.S. election theater now in the third…

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PRC Tests are completely unsuitable

Money Talks Dr Reiner PRC Tests are completely unsuitable for detecting an infection or licensed

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Rockefeller, Davos, IMF, and World Bank, CFR, Rothchild, are responsible for the C virus. The biggest con of my life Sir, Madam, Here is the evidence. This C virus scenario has been in preparation and under study for many years….

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Rockefeler , Davos , le FMI et la Banque mondiale , le CFR ,Rothchild , sont les responsables du C virus. La plus grande escoquerie de ma vie Monsieur, Madame ,  Voici les preuves . Ce scénario du C virus est en préparation et à l’ étude depuis…

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Uncooperative World Leaders Targeted for Replacement as early as November

In a sign of how intense the conflict now raging at the highest levels of world power has become Russian FSB,…

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Prepare for Change – Fall of the Cabal – Planned Chaos

Dear Benjamin, Hope you are well and I thank you for the wonderful articles you have been releasing the last few…

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World lockdown plan leaked

Hi Benjamin, Have you seen the latest Henry Makow post regarding some pretty scary info which has apparently leaked, concerning Canada, titled:…

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Final Battle Update

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WHO backpedals on Covid-19 scam as criminal, civil charges filed

The WHO has suddenly backpedaled on the Covid-19 scam, as criminal and civil charges are filed against their leadership.  This is…

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The Final Battle

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Who actually controls the US Navy?

Dear Benjamin, I would like to ask you about the United States Navy, if I may. My Dad spent the majority…

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Red October begins with Worldwide Attack on Deep Underground Military Bases

The long-anticipated October offensive against the Satanic Cabal has gone into full swing, Pentagon sources report.  This includes attacks on Deep…

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Benjamin Fulford on Goldfish Report and A Look at Disneyland’s Top Secret Club 33

The GoldFish Report No. 580: Geopolitics with White Dragon Benjamin Fulford – YouTube On The GoldFish Report No. 580, Louisa and…

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Who are the Zionists?

Dear Benjamin, I follow your videos and newsletter ever since the beginning of the scamdemic and find it outstandingly accurate.  However,…

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Dutch Royal False flag?

Dear Mr. Fullford, I have read your statement in your weekly bulletin of September 28th pertaining to the statement of the…

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Adrenochrome Report

From Internet archive, the Way Back machine PDF Converted to video here.

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Satanic Dutch Royal Family executed: Pentagon sources

The Nazi Dutch Royal Family and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte have been executed, according to Pentagon sources.  This information has…

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