The Energy of Money
History of Humankind
December 4, 2024, by Father Absolute
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about the role that money plays in your everyday life.
Since everything is energy, money is no exception.
By itself, it is neutral, like any material object that acquires energy only when in contact with a living being and precisely the energy that this being emits.
Therefore, each person’s attitude to money is purely individual.
You must have noticed that for people with the same income, their financial situation can vary significantly.
And this is explained by the fact that these people have different energies, different levels of vibrations, different perceptions of life, and therefore a different attitude to the well-being.
So, some people perceive money as an opportunity to diversify their lives.
They live for today, have confidence in the future, which means that they do not save money for “rainy days” and spend it on things that give them pleasure.
Others, fearing the future, prefer to live frugally in order to have a financial shield.
And here is what happens at the energy levels in the first and second cases.
People who easily part with the money give them freedom, letting them into life and thus saturating them with positive life-giving energy.
Those who hoard the money deprive money of “living” energy, because they do not have the freedom to easily dispose of it.
As a result, the former most often win, since they live a full life “here and now”, without waiting for better times when they can start spending their savings.
And if you consider how often representatives of the deep state create artificial financial collapses, then people often lose all their savings, and those who safely invest money in business remain winners.
In fact, the ideal approach to money, as always, is the golden mean.
You need to treat money wisely, which will help you find a harmonious relationship with it and fill it with the energy of high vibrations.
You should love money as a source of obtaining a certain freedoms in the world in which you still have to live, but at the same time leave a reserve for unforeseen expenses.
Ideally, it should be spent on something that carries high vibrations.
For example, money spent on vulgar and low-quality shows and money used to buy a ticket to a concert of beautiful classical music bring completely different energies into the world.
And it doesn’t matter whether you paid cash for it or with a banking card, since in this case your financial transactions manifest themselves on a subtle level with the energy of what they were paid for.
This is where the expression “dirty money” comes from, as it circulates in the drug trade and criminal circles.
Conversely, money that goes to a good cause always carries clean energy.
Therefore, my dears, before you buy something, think about what your financial transaction, even the most insignificant one, launches into space: does it fill it with high or low vibrations.
And only your Soul can help you in this, not the advice of your relatives, friends, fashion or advertising.
That’s it for today.
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, had spoken to you
Received by Martha on November 27, 2024