Virgin Mary: The Main Mission | Influence of the Incoming Energies

The Main Mission

DEC 1, 2024, Virgin Mary


Hello, my beloved ones!

Today I want to talk to you about what kind of energies are coming to Earth now and how they are affecting people.

The last weeks of the outgoing year are marked by the highest vibrations ever seen.

This is explained not only by the fact that the Earth has already entered the final phase of the transition to the Fifth Dimension, but also by the fact that your Galactic Family is doing everything possible to push out all low-vibration beings from your planet, and mainly the Draco-reptilians and Reptilians.

Therefore, in addition to the natural process of increasing the vibrations of the Earth, the efforts of the friendly to you civilizations have also increased, which are sending their energies to the Earth with very high vibrations.

I know that this has a profound impact on many of you.

First of all, this is felt by those whom we call “star seeds”, since these souls are precisely representatives of these civilizations, embodied in human bodies.

Therefore, now more than ever you can feel a very close connection with your Star Families.

And to strengthen it even more, I advise you to call upon the energy of your Star Family as often as possible, even if you do not know its name.

Your Galactic brothers and sisters will definitely hear you, since none of you is left without their protection and most active participation in your life.

And do not forget to call upon your Star Family in all your sessions and meditations, since your combined energy can work wonders.

After all, this is exactly the purpose for which you came to Earth: to conduct and adapt high-vibrational energies through yourself for the successful transition of your planet to the Fifth Dimension.

This is your main mission, and I know that many of you are fully aware of this.

And in order for your joint efforts to yield results as quickly as possible, I advise you not to rush the events.

And, believe me, there is no contradiction in this, since impatience has always been an obstacle to the implementation of even the best deeds.

Only a calm and conscious action is harmonious, since the time for its implementation depends on many conditions and circumstances that are not yet known to you.

The process of the transition of an entire planet, together with its inhabitants, to a new level of existence is so complex and unpredictable – after all, this has never happened in the history of the Universe, that it does not seem possible for a person from the third dimension to achieve it.

Do not try to do this, my dears, so as not to distort it with your thoughts and emotions, but simply trust the Creator and your Heavenly Helpers, to whom, unlike you, much has been revealed.

And your energy help in this process is really difficult to overestimate, although it seems to you that you are doing everything blindly.

Your efforts will soon be rewarded and you will see the magnificent picture of the construction of the new world of the Earth in the Fifth Dimension, side by side with your Galactic Family, who are eagerly awaiting to meet you.

I bless you and love you very much!

Virgin Mary spoke to you

Received by Martha on November 30, 2024


Author: Survivalist