The Truth About Pedophilia | History of Humankind

The Truth About Pedophilia

History of Humankind

DEC 28, 2024, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)


Hello, my dear beloved children!

Today I want to continue the conversation about how your reality will change in 2025.

And, of course, we will talk about the favorable changes associated with the transition of the Earth into the Fifth Dimension.

But you should be prepared, dear ones, for the fact that many people around you will perceive these changes ambiguously, since their consciousness and their physical bodies are not yet ready for them.

For example, the disclosure of the crimes of the puppets of the deep state will be such shocking information for such people that they will prefer to perceive it as a fake, a conspiracy, a fantasy – anything but the truth.

Living in a complete trust in their governments, they will not be able to accept even documented facts about their horrific crimes against their people and will continue to insist that they were lied to.

This will be a kind of self-defense for the weak and fragile souls, unable to face the truth – so terrible will it become for them.

Especially painful is the disclosure of the situation of children, who by the millions disappear without a trace all over the world.

For many, accepting the fact that defenseless children are subjected to an inhuman torture by Satanists and abuse by pedophiles will prove to be an insurmountable obstacle to understanding the current realities of their lives.

As a result, they will prefer to “bury their heads in the sand” instead to believe in the monstrous crimes committed by their idols.

This will happen precisely with the pure human souls, distinguished by empathy and compassion.

These young souls are not yet able to understand the full essence of what is happening, namely, that the true and deep awakening goes through many painful stages of human existence.

But the most important thing is that it will be very difficult to explain to them that the children who are being tortured and tormented are great souls who, before their incarnation, chose such a fate in order to open the eyes of others to be able to see those who rule the world and to what the superiority of the Draco-reptilians and their ilk over the people can lead to, if they do not timely realize their tragic situation.

Unfortunately, it is precisely this perception of these events that is typical for the young and still fragile pure human souls, who intuitively fence themselves off from what hurts their soul too much.

And with this category of people you must be especially careful to explain to them in the most accessible way, without traumatizing their psyche, the need to go through this painful period for all of humanity in the name of its final liberation from the slavery in which it has been for so long time.

That’s it for today.

Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you

Received by Martha on December 26, 2024


Author: Survivalist