December 30, 2023, Father Absolute
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about your attitude towards the holidays, and especially New Year’s, when there is a general excitement around, and New Year’s Eve is perceived as something special and even magical.
And, as always, we will look at this phenomenon from an energy point of view.
Why are the centuries-old traditions of celebrating Christmas and New Year so enduring?
For many sincerely believing people, this is truly a great holiday, symbolizing the birth of Jesus Christ, as Yeshua later became known.
But most people, including non-believers, celebrate this day according to tradition, using religious and other “fetishes”, one of which is the Christmas tree.
Just imagine how many living beauties (trees) are sacrificed to this “rite” and what energies a dying tree brings into people’s homes.
By and large, the sacrifice of living trees is not inferior in cruelty to other sacrifices, when hundreds of thousands of sheep and other animals are destroyed on religious holidays in dozens of countries around the world.
As a result, any traditional holiday on Earth turns into a mass sacrifice, carrying the energies of pain and suffering of living beings destroyed by people.
And if you add to this abundant libations, when alcohol flows like a river, attracting hordes of astral entities, then you will get a complete picture of the energetic state of your planet on “holidays”.
Children who sincerely believe in miracles and Wizards who bring them gifts are taught to all these traditions from childhood.
And this beautiful fairy tale lasts for centuries.
So what is the basis of all these traditions?
As sad as it may be, there is still the same deprivation of people’s pure Divine energy by those who are deprived of this energy.
Since the pre-holiday excitement begins long before the holidays themselves, energy vortexes of various vibrations begin to “walk” across the Earth, concentrating all human passions and desires.
Commerce flourishes, “gifting” people with unnecessary tinsel (decorations) and excess of all kinds.
People rush around looking for gifts, and sometimes buy a lot of things they don’t need.
And now comes the holiday itself, which often brings disappointment to those who have been preparing for it for so long, not meeting their expectations and the efforts that were expended on it.
And most often this happens due to a person’s energetic emptiness, when the anticipation of the holiday and its preparation take away all his strength, preventing him from enjoying the results of his work.
The expectation of a miracle, inherent in a child, is also characteristic of many adults, but now this “miracle” has to be “created” by themselves, and as a result it ceases to be a miracle, resulting in endless troubles and fatigue.
And yet the holiday can become bright, joyful, happy and filled with pure Divine energies.
And in my next message I will tell you what needs to be done for this.
Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Received by Martha on December 29, 2023