The Personnel Policy
History of Humankind
November 26, 2024, by Father Absolute
Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, we will now talk to you about how the Draco-reptilians managed to trap people in the financial trap.
This is very important to know, because their efforts are so successful that humanity is now on the verge of extinction.
So, let’s start from afar.
From the moment of their appearance on Earth, the Draconians, and after them the Draco-reptilians, understand perfectly well that it is possible to enslave humanity only if all the key positions in all the power structures they have created are occupied by their representatives: the Draco-reptilians and the Reptilians.
Only they are capable of acting ruthlessly and cruelly, because if a pure human Soul, full of Love and compassion, is at the top of the power, their plans will not come true.
Therefore, “personnel policy” was at the heart of all their aspirations.
Gradually, the hierarchical pyramid of power began to be built on the Earth.
The puppeteers – the Draconians – continued to remain invisible and controlled everything that was happening on your planet from the subtle plane.
On the physical plane, at the top of the pyramid, there were monarchical families and the highest religious hierarchic members, possessing untold wealth acquired through numerous wars of conquest and various extortions from their subjects and parishioners.
But during the creation of government structures: political, economic, financial, military, social, cultural, the Draco-reptilians also needed a huge army of people who were not only able to lead them, but also, which was most important for them, to carry out the policy they needed.
What was this policy?
First of all, in subjugating the consciousness of people and imposing on them a worldview and way of life that would not allow them to use the Divine potential given to them by nature.
It was very dangerous for them, because it implied the inner freedom of a person and his independence from the opinions of other people.
Therefore, the first thing they began to do was to create public opinion, which was elevated to the rank of the only one that was correct and unchangeable.
Thus, from time immemorial, one’s own opinion and any deviation from generally accepted rules of behavior and thinking have been punished and recognized as “heresy”, “delusion” and “sectarianism”.
All this has come down to the present day, and now any deviation from generally accepted opinions and concepts is called a “conspiracy” or a “conspiracy theory”.
And in many countries, people whose views on life differ from those that the official authorities are trying to impose on them are condemned and sometimes punished cruelly.
That’s it for today.
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, speaks to you
Received by Martha on November 21, 2024