Category: Life on New Earth

Energy of Acceptance (EoA)

Energy of Acceptance October 23, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to tell you about another energy closely related to the Energies of Expectation and Trust. And we will talk about the Energy of…

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Relationships Between the Energies of Expectation and Trust | EoE | EoT

Relationships Between the Energies of Expectation and Trust October 21, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! As a continuation of my previous message, today we will talk in more detail about how the Energy of Trust is related…

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Expectation Plus Trust | EoE | EoT

Expectation Plus Trust October 20, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to talk again about the Energy of Expectation, but in a slightly different way, building a bridge between it and the Energy of Trust….

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The Divine Expediency in the Development of Humanity | EoT

The Divine Expediency in the Development of Humanity October 19, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! Today we will continue the conversation about Divine expedience and talk about what effect it has on humanity as a whole….

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Divine Expediency | EoT

Divine Expediency October 18, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk to you in more detail about what Divine expediency is. It has already been mentioned…

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Trust the Light Forces | EoT

Trust the Light Forces October 17, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! Today we will continue to talk about the Energy of Trust. This energy carries very high vibrations and this is explained by the fact that…

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Energy of Trust (EoT)

Energy of Trust October 16, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to talk to you about another important component of your life, which is currently gaining special importance. And we will talk about your…

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Expecting the Best | EoE

Expecting the Best October 15, 2024, practice, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! As a continuation of my previous message, today I will tell you how you can free yourself from the subconscious expectation of unfavorable events for…

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Subliminal Expectations | EoE

Subliminal Expectations October 14, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! Today we begin to talk about how you can interact with the Energy of Expectation to direct it in a positive – creative – direction. As I…

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The Energy of Expectation for the Humankind | EoE

The Energy of Expectation for the Humankind October 13, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk to you about how the Energy of Expectation manifests itself…

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Everything That Happens Is for the Good | EoE

Everything That Happens Is for the Good October 12, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! Continuing my previous message, today I want to dwell on another feature of the energy of expectation. And this lies in the…

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Energy of Expectation (EoE)

Energy of Expectation October 11, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to tell you what awaits you in the nearest future. And this time we will talk not only about energy changes, which we…

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Golden Triangle

Golden Triangle October 10, 2019, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you in more detail what unites the sixth and seventh chakras with the pineal gland. As you already know from my recent message,…

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Divine Transformation

Divine Transformation September 19, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! In continuation of my previous message, today I want to give you another practice aimed at energetically changing the course of events that are unacceptable to you….

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Purifying Wave

Purifying Wave September 18, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! In continuation of my previous message, I will now give you a practice that will allow you not only to change your attitude towards unpleasant for you…

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In the Flow of Events

In the Flow of Events September 15, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to talk to you about what happens in the Souls of many people who cannot accept the events that are happening…

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The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End May 23, 2024, by Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to talk to you about the current situation on Earth. As you can see, the globalists have practically brought the inhabitants…

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The Intergalactic Confederation: The final manifestation of duality

The final manifestation of duality May 14, 2024, The Intergalactic Confederation, Source Hello, dear earthlings! Our message today is addressed to those of you who have already fully realized the events taking place on Earth as the final phase of…

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Holidays of the Soul

December 31, 2023, Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! So, let’s continue the conversation about holiday traditions, and today we’ll talk about how you can “break” them without harming yourself and others. But first I want to say that not all…

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Victims of Tradition

December 30, 2023, Father Absolute Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to talk to you about your attitude towards the holidays, and especially New Year’s, when there is a general excitement around, and New Year’s Eve is perceived…

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WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Getting up spiritual ladder)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to summarize the series of my messages on the energy information component of your life and the way it correlates to different stages of human Revival. The whole process can be…

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WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (The highest level of developments understanding)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! And, eventually, we have come to the last stage of humanity Revival and the energy information component it corresponds to. The seventh stage is reunion of humanity with their Galaxy family. Those who have already…

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WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (All people are brothers)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will look into the way the energy information field changes in terms of the people who have reached the sixth stage of Revival now. The sixth stage is merging of all countries and…

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WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Intuitive insight)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the correlation of the stages of the Revival of humans and their energy information component of life. The fifth stage is the beginning of constructive activity. Those who…

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WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Independent civil position)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider the energy information component of people’s life who are at the fourth stage of the Revival of humanity. The fourth stage is mass spiritual revival. This category of people is quite…

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