Perception of the New Energies by Human Consciousness
History of Humankind
JAN 12, 2025, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to continue talking about how you can use the energies of this year to your advantage.
After you learn to feel them well, which the Vibrational Rain practice will help you with, you can move on to the next stage of your interaction with these energies.
But we must always remember that any energy affects, first of all, the consciousness of a person, and only then his physical body.
Therefore, today I want to reveal to you the energy “mechanism” of the perception of these new energies by human consciousness.
I used the word “mechanism” on purpose, since this process can be compared to how a watchmaker first cleans with a special solution and then lubricates the old mechanism of an antique watch.
People’s consciousness can be compared to such a watch, since over the course of many reincarnations, most people have exhausted all the “reserves” of their consciousness and their “watch” has practically stopped.
Or rather, it stopped showing the exact time, the hands sometimes stopped at certain numbers, sometimes they went in the future.
And the stereotypes and models of the three-dimensional world are to blame for this, which do not allow human consciousness to develop, gain freedom of thought and receive new spiritual knowledge.
That is why now, at the crossroads of two eras, when for the inhabitants of your planet inner freedom becomes an urgent necessity, allowing a person to free his consciousness from the captivity of the three-dimensional matrix and move to a higher dimension, these Divine energies come to the rescue.
They not only cleanse your consciousness of the “scum” of the three-dimensional world, but also “process” it with a “solution” of such high vibrations that it facilitates its transformation into the consciousness of a person of the fourth, and then the Fifth dimension.
But you yourself, my dear ones, can also take part in the transformation of your consciousness so that it reaches a higher level of development in the shortest possible time.
And next time I will tell you how you can do this.
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you
Received by Martha on January 8, 2025