Vibrational Rain
History of Humankind
JAN 6, 2025, Practice, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Following my previous message, today I want to give you another tip on how you can help your physical body interact harmoniously and painlessly with the new high-vibrational energies.
This time I want to offer you a “working” practice that does not require you to enter deep meditation.
However, this will require a certain amount of focus and concentration on your inner state.
In addition, it will help you track your thoughts and emotions, which is now becoming especially important for every awakened person.
And this is what this practice, which we call “Vibrational Rain”, consists of.
As I already said in my recent message, starting this year the new energies are coming to the Earth no longer in waves or with a certain periodicity, but constantly.
And if we compare this process with various manifestations of the Water Element, we can say that until 2025 these were short-term rains, while this year they have already passed into the stage of constant light rain.
Energetically, it is similar to the “mushroom rain” that sparkles in the sun and pleases the eye.
And if you train yourself to perceive these new energies in this way, you will begin to feel almost physically how gently and tirelessly they shower your entire being.
Of course, it is impossible to think about this all the time.
But start by remembering this every time you feel that your vibrations are falling as a result of unfavorable life circumstances or in the event of a physical illness.
As soon as you realize that you are leaving a calm and harmonious state, raise your face to the sky and imagine how the small and light drops of the “vibrational rain”, sparkling in the sun, wash all your subtle bodies and your physical body.
This Divine energy of the highest vibrations, carefully and gently, sharing with you its freshness and purity, frees you from all negative thoughts and emotions, heals all your illnesses – physical and mental.
You can also call upon the Universal Plasma Energy for help if you feel the need or want to enhance the effect of this practice.
Remember to listen to your intuition, dear ones, and do not be afraid to create your own “working” practices based on your individual characteristics and needs.
That’s it for today.
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you
Received by Martha on January 3, 2025