Participation in the Healing Process | History of Humankind

Participation in the Healing Process

History of Humankind

JAN 5, 2025, Practice, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)


Hello, my dear beloved children!

Continuing with my previous message, today I want to tell you how you can take advantage of the special interactions of new energies with your physical body.

For example, if you suddenly feel an exacerbation of one of your old diseases or the emergence of new ones, the first thing you need to do is determine the reason why this happened.

To do this, you need to listen to your inner state to understand whether it could provoke this disease.

Think about what events, as well as the thoughts and emotions associated with them, have been preoccupying you recently.

In other words, try to determine the psychosomatic cause of what happened.

And if you do not find one and objectively determine your condition as harmonious, then it is quite possible that the cause of your malaise is new high-vibrational energies that are trying to rid you of an old or newly appeared disease by exacerbating it.

In this case, you can speed up this process by connecting with it energetically and mentally.

As you already know, the most effective for working with the physical body is the Universal plasma energy, which directly interacts with the etheric body of a person.

Therefore, I advise you to use it in combination with the new energies that are now coming to the Earth.

And here is how you can do it.

After you have summoned all your Heavenly helpers, enter a fairly deep meditative state.

Then summon the Universal plasma energy and ask it to merge with the energy that is currently interacting with you.

Then direct all your attention to the problem part of your body and ask this combined energy to accelerate the healing process, even if you have to go through a period of exacerbation of this disease.

Ask this energy and your Heavenly helpers to do everything possible to make it as smooth and painless as possible for you.

And then simply observe what is happening, listening to your feelings.

Over time, you will learn to regulate the flow of energy yourself, increasing or slowing it down depending on your physical condition.

In this way, you will become an accomplice in the healing process, accepting this help from Heaven consciously.

And of course, do not forget to thank your Spiritual Guides and Divine energies for what they do for you.

Exit the meditation when you feel that the flow of energy has completely dried up.

Based on how you feel, you will understand whether you need to repeat this meditation or if one was enough.

But it is best to do such meditations until your complete recovery, that is, the disappearance of the slightest symptoms of the disease.

That’s it for today.

Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you

Received by Martha on January 2, 2025


Author: Survivalist