Revival for a New Life
History of Humankind
JAN 4, 2025, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I will tell you how the physical bodies of people who have already firmly moved their consciousness into the fourth, and sometimes even into the fifth dimension, will interact with the new high-vibrational energies.
In fact, even in this case, not everything will go smoothly, because unlike the subtle bodies that perceive high-vibrational energies quite easily and painlessly, the physical bodies of such people react differently to them.
Even a temporary exacerbation of chronic diseases cannot be ruled out.
The thing is that the impact of new energies on the human body is similar to energy healing sessions, when recovery occurs through a crisis.
And this is explained by the fact that any disease must “experience” itself, that is, must go through all its stages, so that the organ damaged by it can be revived for a new life.
This is especially true for inflammatory diseases.
For example, any abscess must “ripen” in order to burst.
Like colds, they usually progress progressively, through high fever and deterioration of the human respiratory system.
This is how the body fights the disease: it brings it to a critical point, so that later, after it is freed from the disease, it can begin the recovery process.
The same thing happens when high-vibration energies affect the human physical body.
Automatically finding “weak” places in the human body, these energies cause them to become acute, so that later, after some time, when the human body fully adapts to the new energies, they can finally rid it of these ailments.
Most often, human skin suffers from this.
Just as it absorbs mechanical shocks that lead to wounds, it also experiences discomfort when exposed to energies of too high vibrations that are unfamiliar to it.
It ceases to be smooth and various defects and even cracks can appear on it, since its structure is not able to immediately adapt to the energy of the higher vibrations.
Thus, even a person with a very high level of consciousness is not insured against the fact that the transformation of his physical body into a light-crystalline one will proceed smoothly and painlessly.
And you must be prepared for this.
That’s it for today.
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you
Received by Martha on January 1, 2025