Change of Leadership
History of Humankind
DEC 24, 2024, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to tell you about the third reason that allows you to accelerate your transition to the Fifth Dimension.
In addition to the vibrational component and the information wave, which were discussed in my previous messages, there is another important factor that can affect the speed of the Transition.
This is the dissatisfaction of people in many countries in the world with their leaders, who are for the most part puppets of the deep state.
And although this dissatisfaction is mainly related to problems of a material nature, nevertheless, in the event of the overthrow of the corrupt and venal leaders of these countries, the people would have the opportunity to replace them with honest and worthy people who think about the interests of the people.
And if this happens, then in these countries not only the energy background will change, but also the moral attitude of people for a better future.
The very fact of restoring justice carries within itself the energies of very high vibrations.
And if at the same time society frees itself from the constant fear for its future, it will acquire a huge spiritual and creative potential aimed at building a new society on completely different principles.
In fact, all three reasons contributing to the acceleration of the transition of the Earth and humanity into the Fifth Dimension are inextricably linked.
For example, the disclosure of information about the crimes of the ruling elite controlled by the deep state will lead to the change of heads of state and many members of their governments.
And this alone will contribute to raising the vibrations of people, whose consciousness will escape the control of the globalists, who until now have held all official media in their hands.
Manipulation and control over people will be replaced by the realization that from now on a person can control his own destiny.
But understanding this will be a difficult test for many inhabitants of the Earth, since not everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the freedom.
The overwhelming majority of the population of your planet is so accustomed to living according to certain programs transmitted from above that they simply do not understand how to live and what to do with this freedom that has descended upon them.
And this applies not only to bio-robots, clones and low-vibration beings incarnated in human bodies, but also to young human souls.
That is why it is very important that the reins of power in the new society be in the hands of the representatives of the “star seeds”, who not only realize the transition of the Earth to the Fifth Dimension, but also have sufficient creative potential to build a society based on Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood.
And your task, dear ones, is to direct the people’s dissatisfaction with their governments in the right direction: to “melt” the people’s aggression into the joy of a change of leadership, without breaking the old state structures, as it has happened more than once during revolutions, but to give them a new impetus and a new direction.
This will save time for building a new society, as well as to use the positive experience accumulated by more than one generation of people in many areas of your life.
That’s it for today.
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you
Received by Martha on December 21, 2024