The Information Wave
History of Humankind
DEC 23, 2024, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to name the second reason which you could use to accelerate the Transition.
And it consists in the fact that the next year the geopolitical situation in the world will change drastically.
As a result of the change of power in the United States of America, all the plans of the deep state will begin to collapse like a house of cards.
The firm intention of the incarnated into human bodies Light Forces to preserve humanity as a species will become a driving force for all awakened souls on the Earth.
You can already see how many people are no longer afraid to tell the truth, how quickly the puppets of the deep state are “changing shoes” on the move, how much they are afraid of the future revelations of their criminal deeds.
Thus, to the powerful energy wave that is now coming to the Earth, an information wave will be added, bringing the truth to people and removing the masks from the hypocritical and cynical world “leaders” whose policies have led people into the abyss.
All this will contribute to the rapid awakening of millions of people on your planet.
And in order for this to happen as quickly as possible, you need to combine your energy work with the manifestation of your distinct and clear intention on the physical plane.
And here is how you can do it.
Try to monitor any new information about the crimes of the deep state, in order to then pass it on to those around you.
At the same time, it is very important to do this in such a way as not to scare a person, which will only lower his vibrations, and therefore his spiritual potential, but to cause in him a feeling of liberation from the danger that threatens him.
In other words, any news, even the most tragic, should be related to the changes taking place on the Earth, opening up prospects for a new happy life, and not focusing his attention on past painful events.
Thus, not only your own intention to free yourself from the captivity of the three-dimensional world, but also the intention of those around you who have seen the prospects for their new happy existence, will give a powerful impetus to future changes in all areas of your life.
The very Unity that you dreamed of so much will come.
And this will be a Unity not in fear and submission, but in the liberation of the consciousness of millions of people from the darkness of the three-dimensional world and in their desire to build a new life on the Earth in the Fifth Dimension.
And I bless you for this!
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you
Received by Martha on December 20, 2024