Energy Zeitnot | Earth’s Energy Situation

Energy Zeitnot

DEC 25, 2024, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)


Hello, my dear beloved children!

Today I want to talk to you about the energy situation on Earth.

Never before have you been under such energy pressure in time as in these last months of the outgoing year.

In my recent message, I already said that by the end of the year the concentration of the energy increases, and this is due to the fact that each person, consciously or unconsciously, summarizes the results of the past year and outlines his plans for the next year.

And this invisible border between the “old” and “new” year is already firmly established in the subconscious mind of many people.

As for the strengthening of the energies, they, in their aggregate, reflect the internal state of the inhabitants of your planet.

Thus, some people generate energies of fear of what awaits them in the coming year, as well as energies of disappointment, irritation and condemnation of the current situation on Earth.

Others look to the future with optimism and believe that in 2025 everything will change dramatically and a new happy period of their lives will begin.

This applies primarily to those who know about the upcoming fateful events for the Earth and all of the humanity – about the transition of your planet to the Fifth Dimension.

The first group of people is guided exclusively by the external manifestations of what is happening in the world now.

And the official media play a particularly large role in this, constantly escalating the situation, painting everything that is happening exclusively in gloomy tones.

The worsening economic situation in most countries of the world also plays an important role in the pessimistic mood of people, which leads to a decrease in the standard of living of the population of these countries.

As a result, many people bring with them flows of negative energies with very low vibrations into the New Year.

And in order to neutralize this negative wave, the awakened part of humanity, which has great hopes for the favorable nature of the coming year, must redouble its efforts to quickly realize its desires and hopes.

We have already said many times that the time of the Transition depends on each inhabitant of the Earth, and that just one awakened person is worth thousands, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of unawakened ones.

Therefore, now the time has come to finally and irrevocably change the energy situation on the Earth in such a way that the high-vibrational positive energies of the awakened people dissolve or at least weaken as much as possible the flows of negative energies emanating from the unawakened inhabitants of your planet.

And I ask you, my dear ones, in these days remaining until the New Year, to conduct meditations as often as possible in order to cleanse the Earth of all negative energies and programs of the three-dimensional world.

Use the Energy of the Great Central Sun for this as the most applicable and effective at the moment.

And I bless you for this!

Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you

Received by Martha on December 24, 2024


Author: Survivalist