Creating New Relationships Between People | History of Humankind

Creating New Relationships Between People

History of Humankind

DEC 19, 2024, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)


Hello, my dear beloved children!

As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to tell you how the program of contest and competition between people, which currently prevails in your society, will begin to change to a program of harmony and unity.

And we will consider two aspects of this process.

The first one does not depend on people, since the high-vibrational energy entering the Earth itself has a huge impact on the consciousness of people, transforming the dual programs embedded in their consciousness and subconscious into unipolar ones.

Since this happens gradually, the person himself will not notice how his way of thinking and behavior will change, his attitude towards the people around him, how envy, comparison, condemnation, the desire to stand out and assert himself at the expense of others will disappear from his life.

But this can only happen to pure human souls or to owners of two souls, one of which is human.

Low-vibrational beings embodied in human bodies, as well as bio-robots and clones, will continue to live in accordance with the programs laid down in them; due to their origin they will not be able to accept high-vibrational energies.

They will not only not help them, but will also pose a significant danger to them, as a result of which these beings will begin to leave the Earth through physical death.

And the fewer of them remain on your planet, the sooner the rest of the “pure” part of humanity will begin to change.

So over time, the numerical superiority on Earth will be in favor of people, and then they will set the tone in society, forming relationships on completely different principles.

Low-vibrational beings remaining on Earth will involuntarily have to obey the majority.

In an atmosphere of friendship, sincerity, cordiality and openness created by people, they could no longer be able to lie, deceive, intrigue and manipulate people, as it was before.

Their every step, their every thought and every intention will become transparent to people, since in the world of high vibrations negative energies will not be able to hide, and the creatures that emit them will suffer greatly from their powerlessness to maintain their usual style of thinking and behavior.

And they will not be able to express themselves in a different way due to their non-divine energy structure.

As a result, these beings will feel so uncomfortable in the new atmosphere for them that they would prefer to leave the unusual for them high-vibrational space.

This is how – gradually and naturally for everyone – new relationships between people will be formed.

That’s it for today.

Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you

Received by Martha on December 14, 2024


Author: Survivalist