When the Ground Disappears From Under Your Feet | History of Humankind

When the Ground Disappears From Under Your Feet

History of Humankind

DEC 20, 2024, by Father Absolute, English (Select English from “Select Language” at the right column)


Hello, my dear beloved children!

Today I want to touch on a very important issue for many of you, which concerns relationships with your closest environment.

Now, at the crossroads of two eras, the confrontation between the loved ones and the family is especially acute, which manifests itself in different and sometimes opposite views on many phenomena in your life, including international events and political issues.

And the reason for this is the difference in the vibration levels and in the levels of awareness.

We have already talked a lot on this topic, so now I want to draw your attention to a new aspect of human relationships that has arisen literally in the last months of the past year.

Due to the new state of the Earth, which has already completely disconnected itself from the three-dimensional world and all its subtle bodies are located in the fourth and partially in the Fifth dimension, many people are beginning to experience psychological discomfort.

They could not understand the reasons for this, because no visible significant changes are occurring.

But not everyone can trace the causes and consequences of their internal state.

This is a privilege of people with a subtle spiritual organization, which is typical for the pure human souls.

As for the rest of the inhabitants of the Earth, they, as a rule, are guided exclusively by material signs that affect their mental state.

And if they do not see such signs, then they find themselves lost and unsure of themselves.

It seems to them that the earth is disappearing from under their feet, but there are no physical prerequisites for this.

The reason for this state of theirs is the ever-growing gap between their own vibrations and the vibrations of the Earth.

And in this sense, the soil is really disappearing from under their feet, since they are not ready to exist on the new Earth of the Fifth Dimension due to the fact that their consciousness and energy structure do not allow them to do so.

As a result of the discomfort that arises in them, they begin to throw out their irritation and, in general, fear of not understanding what is happening to them onto their loved ones, and especially if they, on the contrary, are in a calm and harmonious state.

This is the state that is typical for people with high vibrations who are fully aware of the ongoing process of evolution on your planet and of all of humanity.

Thus, the difference in vibrations with the Earth, amplified by the difference in vibrations of their immediate environment, becomes for many unawakened people an insurmountable obstacle to achieving spiritual comfort and a stable existence.

And this process will only intensify, because the next year will become a truly turning point and will create a clear boundary between those who will be able to make the Transition together with the Earth and those who will not be able to do so.

It is very important to understand this and build your relationships with the family, the loved ones and friends who belong to the unawakened part of humanity in such a way that they do not hinder your own spiritual growth and do not slow down your transition to the fourth and then to the Fifth dimension.

And the next time I will tell you how you can do it.

Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, spoke to you

Received by Martha on December 17, 2024


Author: Survivalist