Financial Slavery
History of Humankind
December 6, 2024, by Father Absolute
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to continue the conversation about how the people became slaves of the money.
And now we are focusing on the fact that a person has become not just a consumer of various material goods, but also completely “transparent” entity to the financial tycoons.
This happened due to the fact that cash gradually began to be displaced by the electronic money – the one that a person has in his bank account.
Why do you think this transformation happened so quickly?
Mainly because this is the only way for the financial institutions to control all people’s expenses, while studying their individual needs and requirements.
And as always, such tricks come in a beautiful “wrapper” that promises a person many privileges and conveniences.
Do you remember those advertisements in which young people enthusiastically demonstrate the wonders of progress, which has truly reached great heights.
For example, they are glad that they can pay for their purchases not only with a bank card, but also with fingerprints and even with their faces.
But few of them think about what lies behind such conveniences.
In fact, they become pawns in the game of the large financial corporations, which now control their every move, their every purchase, which means that at any moment they can stop this game at their discretion, depriving a person of access to their honestly earned money.
The fact is that all your savings in the bank accounts are nothing more than a virtual currency that banks dispose of at their discretion.
And now in many countries around the world a person cannot withdraw a large sum of money without giving a detailed account for what they will spend it on.
And this is a real financial slavery, which has imperceptibly entered your everyday life.
And all this is presented to you as a benefit – as security measures taken to combat the crime.
But few people know that the most dangerous criminals are precisely the financial corporations, which have lured billions of people into their networks who trustfully keep their savings in the banks.
And even the ordinary bank employees sometimes have no idea about the very essence of the banking system, becoming those same pawns on the “chessboard” of the deep state, which is ultimately the main beneficiary here.
It is no longer easy to get out of such slavery, since the banks have tied up people’s hands and feet.
The majority of the planet’s inhabitants for a long time have not received their salaries in cash, but only through transfers to their bank accounts, which started the universal financial slavery on an international scale.
Thus, gradually, people find themselves completely controlled and dependent on the financial institutions created by the Draco-reptilians.
That’s it for today.
Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, had spoken to you
Received by Martha on December 1, 2024