The Perfect Temptation | History of Humankind

The Perfect Temptation

History of Humankind

December 5, 2024, by Father Absolute


Hello, my dear beloved children!

Today I want to continue talking about money, and this time I will focus on your mental and emotional attitude towards it.

From time immemorial, money has played the role of an indicator of human well-being, and since this has lasted for thousands of years, it has already been absorbed into your flesh and blood.

But people have always disposed of money differently – depending on their upbringing, national and family traditions, level of culture and degree of spirituality.

So, on the Earth there have always been stingy and spendthrifts, thrifty and generous people, those who knew how to dispose of them wisely, and those whose money “flowed through their fingers”.

And all this happened because the money that fell into people’s hands “read” their energy and tuned in to their mental and emotional wave.

And then the Laws of the Universe came into action, which externally reflect all the internal impulses of a person.

Of course, people’s interaction with money has always been indirect, since it occurred through relationships between people.

Therefore, the laws of the Universe have also influenced people indirectly, since money was only a “tool” for the development of these relationships.

From time immemorial, money has been the main object of temptation for man and at the same time – a test of the purity of his Soul.

It is no coincidence that it most often finds itself in the center of the plots of literary works, films and performances.

Money, like a serpent-tempter, touches all the strings of the human Soul, plays on them like a musical instrument.

And depending on how pure the Soul of a person is, it either creates the “music” of Love and Kindness, Generosity and Gratitude, Joy and Happiness, or, conversely, an ominous atmosphere of money grabbing and greed, self-interest and ingratitude, sadness and grief.

How many crimes have been committed for the sake of money, how many lives have been mutilated, how many destinies have been destroyed!

And the Draco-reptilians have thrown people into this merciless whirlpool of monetary relations, realizing what a rich “harvest” of negative energies they can collect, taking advantage of people’s weaknesses and creating conditions for their lives in which these weaknesses turn into vices, atrocities and crimes.

That’s it for today.

Father-Absolute, who loves you infinitely, had spoken to you

Received by Martha on November 29, 2024


Author: Survivalist